Friday, September 16, 2011

Target X Missoni: The Top 5 Greediest Ebayers

When it comes to designer collaborations - there are only two types of people who buy the items, those who actually like/love/want what is up for sales and those who are looking to turn a quick buck. Since launching only a few days ago - ebay listings have skyrocketed and are hovering around 30,000 items...which is pure insanity. I skimmed ebay just to gauge the markups and here's a quick look at my top 5 most ridunculous items up for grabs...

Number 5:

The first seller to make my shortlist is the seller of this tie which starts at $75 with a Buy It Now price of $100. Seriously why do people bother with this. has a few Missoni ties going for $89 - so why would anyone in their right might opt to buy the collab tie for more? I just don't get it.

Number 4:

A 2 piece luggage set going for $495. Enough said...

Number 3:

This duvet set is going for $600 with a Buy it Now option of $659. Fear not though - the seller has graciously offered free shipping - how kind...

What makes #3's listing so interesting (and by default - the seller a complete tool) is that this item is still available online on Target's website...I even tried to add it to my cart just to check and it worked.

Number 2:

Next up is a bike...which currently has 7 bids so far - and is going for $1,500...I don't know what I find harder to believe - that someone had the audacity to list the bike for that price - or that someone actually bid that much on the bike...

Number 1:

Topping the list is a knitted skirt....going for $5,799 - I did a double take when I saw this just because I simply couldn't believe it...I can't go into details on how disturbingly upsetting this is on so many levels....

Anyways - that pretty much wraps up my ongoing coverage of this Target debaucle. Even though I ended up nabbing everything I was looking for - shitty doesn't even begin to describe the trials and tribulations of the FNO fiasco, the in-store madness and online extravaganza...

Do us all a favor - if you decide not to keep something, please return it to your local Target store instead of trying to make a quick buck...


Anonymous said...

Well I guess these greedy ebayers do not run a blog where they get lots of free stuff, get to go to openings and then positively review items they were given for free! Phones, handbags etc.

Sugar Rock Catwalk said...

I guess you are missing the point of this post. We've blogged about our struggle to find Missoni for Target pieces at the pop-up shop, in store and online. When trying E-bay as a last resort, some of the re-sellers have priced items at such a high level that they are now completely unobtainable. If you enjoy paying 144x's the actual value of an item, please do continue to waste your money.

Shelly said...

this post is an interesting study of human behaviour, specifically, the effect of scarcity. the funny thing that you note is that some of these items are not even scarce (still available online at target) but the perception of scarcity is what drives up the prices!

on another note, i agree that anonymous misses the point. are these fashion bloggers getting all these free items then trying to make a buck by posting on ebay with a super high mark up? why should they be maligned as being "greedy" when their interest in fashion is primarily what drives them to write a blog, not all the perks that may come with keeping a blog? those things are bonus but i know that they would blog even if they didn't get those benefits (just look at the early years when they didn't get anything and still kept up the blog). if anything, they try to share the good deals with readers by posting about sample sales and giving away freebies.

CurvyGirlChic said...

These money grubbers are so ridiculous. You didn't list the woman who is trying to sell a pair of rainboots for $31,000 though. Her tagline is that she's trying to pay for her kid's first year of college. I think she wins! :P (The kicker? Those rainboots can still be found in some stores. Saw them yesterday!)

Thanks for this totally amusing post! :D

xo Allison of

Sasha said...

And the girl selling the colore rainboots for $5,000, I believe, to pay for her braces that she can no longer afford. She tells a brief sob summery of how she lost her job at Hooters; is couch surfing amongst her friends, and needs help!! Unreal!!!

Sasha said...

And btw: if anyone is looking to purchase a Missoni for Target item for RETAIL price + shipping and/or trading other Missoni goods for items on your wishlist, there is a Facebook Fan Page that offers many items here: :)

Jeffo said...

@shelly - thanks =p

@Allison - glad you liked the post! If i saw that $31K item I would have keeled over...

@sasha - thanks for sharing the fb link!

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