And now someone else has jumped on the cage dress. While browsing the sale pages of KarmaLoop, I came across this copy from Blaque Label. It's extremely similar. The most notable difference is the exposed zipper in the back that runs from top to bottom, ick!

Blaque Label also made a shirt version as seen below, but I like Funktional's cage top better for it's relaxed body which would pair nicely with skinny jeans.

Menswear Note from Jeff:
If your a guy looking to sport the caged look - Adidas has you covered. Jeremy Scott for Adidas came out with a caged track jacket for those looking for a bit a flair for their workout gear. It's not really a practical piece for working out but since we're on the topic of cages I thought why not. I'm not crazy about the laces running down the back but to each his own.
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