Christopher Kane for Topshop launched near the end of last month but between being slightly burnt out and getting sick recently, I only had the chance to check out the collection today. I honestly thought that much would be sold out, but I guess the prices are a little steeper than your average designer collaboration. I think I saw every piece of the collection in stock! From the super iconic gator print tee and dress to the oh so unpractical mesh underwear-like bottoms to the coveted mesh leggings. They also had the shoes in stock upstairs too!

As for quality, things are better made than I anticipated. I did not always like the look of some of the plastic rhinestones as they looked a little bit too plastic on some applications but they looked quite nice on the black corset top. Another thing I did not realize was that what I thought were cut out holes in some of the pieces are actually tiny mirrors inserted via embroidery and they look quite nice in person. The mesh pieces are actually on "power mesh" so it is a very sturdy material that can support all the applique/hardware detailing. The grommets on closer inspection are actually the fronts of hammered on snaps making for more secure treatment and if one falls out (which I doubt) there will not be holes left in your clothes.
As for the gator tee, the printed material felt softer and thinner than I thought but the arm openings are not finished and left raw edge for some reason, unlike the dress that has ribbed fabric finishing the armholes.
As for the gator tee, the printed material felt softer and thinner than I thought but the arm openings are not finished and left raw edge for some reason, unlike the dress that has ribbed fabric finishing the armholes.

If this collection appealed to you I suggest you go check it out in person as it's all there!

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