Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Possible Reissue: Farylrobin Arial Wedges

Last week I was looking through photos from Yuli of myitthings.com, and I noticed that she had a pair of wedges that I stalked for months a few years ago. I stalked them so hard; I knew them by name, style and everything.

Designer, Farylrobin. Style, Arial. Release, summer 2008. That summer I was a little strapped for cash, so I didn't buy them right away. By the time I was ready, they were sold out of my size! I would find them in white or tan, but never in my size.

So I was really excited (and a little jealous) when I saw them on Yuli, and I think the fact that she's still wearing them over two years later really speaks to their quality. She told me that they're super comfortable and that people are always asking her about them. Our chat inspired me to tweet to Faryl, and to my delight, she wrote back!

Who's super excited? I am!

Until then if you're looking for a similar pair, check out these other wedges from Farylrobin. They're also an older style. While not quite as cute in my opinion, they serve a similar purpose and could be worn into fall with the right tights. And bonus, they're on sale at amazon.com. Price varies based on size and color, but you could get them for as cheap as $34.20! Quite the steal for a practical pair of wedges.

1 comment:

amanda said...

These are really adorable and now I want a pair! Can you please update when these are available for purchase?

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