I'm looking for something cute enough that I can carry it from work and to dinner. I'd like for it to be wide enough to fit extra shoes, but not too big because I have smaller frame. Any suggestions?"
- Havy, New York
Before you go out and buy another bag, have you looked into getting your bags repaired? Most shoe repair shops can help fix your leather goods (bags, suitcases, belts, etc). If they're nice bags, it might be worth looking into.
A few tips when looking for a work bag:
1. Think 8.5 x 11 or bigger, so it can fit work documents - plus some depth for your shoes!
2. Consider the weight of the bag. With some nicer bags, the hardware and even lining can actually be quite heavy, so just keep that in mind. Your bag will only get heavier when you use it.
3. Don't limit yourself to black! I feel like so many of my girl friends go straight for black when they shop for work items, especially bags. If you already wear a lot of black or neutrals to work, why not use your bag as a way to add a pop of color to your look?
If you want a simple and versatile bag, J.Crew and Kenneth Cole have some pretty good options. Since you're writing me, I think you're hoping for (or at least open to) something a little less traditional. Here are a few ideas for work bags. I think they've all got enough structure and/or polish for the office and enough style for your after work plans. I hope you agree!

Banana Republic Harley Handbag, $230.00

Matt & Nat Camden, $151.25 - $225.00

Hype Roisin Crossbody, $177.00

Botkier Isis Tote, $244.00

Rafe Leighton Tote, $348.00
Readers, do you have any other suggestions for Havy?
Hihi! ^^
Its Emily here, haha.
I can see that our fashion sense is one heaven & one earth because it is really a huge difference!
And my parents kinda restrict me to the things I buy because maybe they are just jealous that I can shop while they can work, haha!
Nevertheless, I enjoy looking at the both of your outfit because it is really outstanding & unique, compared to typical jeans & shirts yep :)
Probably one advantage is that in the States, when you walk down the street with your own kind of fashion sense, no one will stare at you but for Singapore, it is different! Detest the way uncle & aunties look at me from head to toe like they've never seen a normal looking human being before!
By the way, are you girls American Born Chinese? ^^ just asking.
I don't recommend buying a bag from Banana Repulic.
I bought a beautiful dark brown medium/large leather bag from them and the quality is horrible.
You would think from the price that it would last, but no.
After about a year of normal wear the edges/seams of the handles have frayed.
Thread has popped out.
And the zipper to close the bag isn't very fluid.
Heavy bags can also expedite the wear and tear process. Plus it's just better for your back and shoulders to clean out and lighten your bag once in awhile :)
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